EIFS Building


EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems) is a type of building product, first commercially used in Germany as a means to add exterior insulation to existing concrete buildings, originally constructed without any insulation. The systems combined excellent insulating ratings and a decorative finish at minimal costs and required little craft capability to install. It was not used or installed for its waterproofing capability. EIFS, also called "synthetic stucco," became very popular in the United States during the energy crisis of the 1970s.

EIFS Repairs Scaffold

The original systems included an insulation board, base coat, fiber mesh reinforcing, and a decorative finish coat of polymer-modified coatings. Little emphasis was placed on termination and transition detailing, although designers expected the product to provide a complete barrier envelope waterproofing system. While the product's original emphasis was on insulating and decorative capability, it soon became a standalone cladding system in all types of structures. Building owners loved the cost-effectiveness of the product and reinforced this acceptance.

Leakage problems have become commonplace on many EIFS structures, causing structural damage to associated substrates and envelope components. In turn, building owners and property managers have become inundated with complaints from disgruntled tenants whose offices experience water infiltration issues. These problems are mostly due to defective, improperly installed or damaged EIFS.

Other common problems with EIFS include holes caused by nesting birds, delamination of finish coats, cracks, failed joint sealants, damage caused by landscape equipment and substrate discoloration. Pro-Tec can handle these issues for you. Our experience, knowledge and thorough understanding of EIFS means we will properly address your particular issues and perform the required remedial repairs. Our work is fully guaranteed to provide you with the peace of mind you deserve and expect from a qualified contractor.


