Commercial Flashing Repair


Flashing is installed at terminations, transitions and various other locations throughout the building envelope system to help divert water and prevent infiltration into interior spaces. Flashings are manufactured from a variety of materials, including non-corrosive metals and synthetic rubber sheet goods. Metal flashings include copper, aluminum, stainless steel, galvanized steel, zinc, lead and lead covered copper. Sheet-good flashings are usually a neoprene rubber or rubber derivative.

Pro-Tec Man with Bucket

As a building owner or property manager, you should be aware of the two most important waterproofing principles.

1. The 90% / 1% principle: As much as 90% of all water intrusion problems occur within 1% of the total building or structure exterior surface area.

This 1% of a building’s exterior skin area contains the termination and transition detailing, frequently leading to breaches and complete failure of the effectiveness of the building envelope.

2. The 99% principle: Approximately 99% of waterproofing leaks are attributable to causes other than material or system failures.

More often than not, the leakage is attributable to improper application, improper substrate preparation or numerous other installation errors.

Flashing Repairs & Installation: By considering these two principles together, it can be expected that 1% of a building’s exterior area will typically involve actual and direct leakage and that the cause will have a 99% chance of being anything but material failure.

The team of experienced professionals at Pro-Tec has a thorough knowledge and understanding of construction techniques and complicated waterproofing systems. Whether your project calls for flashing repairs, new installation to sill flashing, coping flashing or back-up wall flashing, you can rest assured that when you hire Pro-Tec the job will be done right the first time.


